My layout hadn’t moved a bit. It was high time I did something about it.

As I mentioned in my previous posts (here, here and here), I had decided to completely change the lower level of my layout. The lower level fiddle yard is now ready. Tests with trains were very satisfying, with no derailments (thanks to the Kato points).
The TrainController software is a wonder.ย My fiddle yard is now fully or semi-automated, so I won’t have to worry how to park my trains. The software simply parks the trains in the most optimal siding for me, and handles everything.

Now it’s time to bring back the main station on level 1. I have kept the boards, they needed to be attached again. This was the right time for cleaning up the cabling system as well; using cheap document binders (a tip I got online) really isย an excellent solution:

My N-scale layout - Improved cabling under a module

Improved cabling under a module

And here some pictures of the work in progress:

My N-scale layout - Fiddle Yard

Fiddle Yard

My N-scale layout - Main station  (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

Main station (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

My N-scale layout - Main station  (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

Main station (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

My N-scale layout - Main station  (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

Main station (top) & fiddle yard on lower (bottom)

My N-scale layout - Station signals

Station signals

Yes, there is still a lot to do…