Automated Train registration? DCC-A (RCN-218) afte...
28 Mar 2024 | DCC concepts, Tech & Tips | 0
Quick review: Zimo Light bar with onboard DCC deco...
28 Feb 2024 | Decoders, Function decoders, Gizmos | 0
LatestBack to the layout and back to the ESU Ecos II
It’s been a while since the last update! Life got in the way, but winter is model train...
LatestMinitrix TVT 6251 Mz railcar: could have been great…
I am starting to be very disappointed by expensive models that can’t actually run correctly....
LatestQuick review: Zimo Light bar with onboard DCC decoder (LIPLD)
28/02/2024 | Decoders, Function decoders, Gizmos | 0
People who want to be fancy include a decoder even in their passenger cars. I’m one of...
Model train buses: a happy mess (Loconet, CAN, BiDiB, LCC, S88..)
09/01/2025 | DCC concepts, Tech & Tips | 0
Loconet, CAN, BiDiB, RS-Bus, Xpressnet, Ecoslink, B-Bus… the list is long. Beside the tracks...
Read MoreBack to the layout and back to the ESU Ecos II
It’s been a while since the last update! Life got in the way, but winter is model train...
Read MoreAutomated Train registration? DCC-A (RCN-218) after RailCom Plus
28/03/2024 | DCC concepts, Tech & Tips | 0
Putting a new locomotive on your layout should be simple and plug and play… this isn’t...
Read MoreQuick review: Zimo Light bar with onboard DCC decoder (LIPLD)
28/02/2024 | Decoders, Function decoders, Gizmos | 0
People who want to be fancy include a decoder even in their passenger cars. I’m one of...
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Welcome to LocGeek, personal blog about digital model trains and N-scale, where I share tech updates and news about my over-digitalizing my trains, and my ever-unfinished layout.

Accessories All scales Arnold bus Cheat sheet Dapol DCC DCC conversion Decoder Diesel Digikeijs Digital DIY Doehler & Haass Ecos electronic ESU Fiddle yard Fleischmann Hobbytrain (Lemke) Kato Lima Loconet Mehano Mfx/M4 Minitrix Next18 (NEM662) N Scale PC Control Peco Finescale Plux12 (NEM658) Qdecoder Railcars Railcom Real trains S88 Software Sound Switches Tams Track TrainController software Uhlenbrock YaMoRC Zimo